Hiko Ito Custom Knives
Hiko Ito Custom Knives

Size: 6.5" overall 3" blade

Designed as the ultimate fixed blade EDC (Every Day Carry), HICK EDC features modified clip point that handles detailed cutting tasks. Signature convex grind makes it an excellent slicer. Three and half finger handle is ergonomically sculpted to give the feel and the stability of a full handle, making it perform during every cutting task.


Hiko Ito Custom Knives

Hiko Ito Custom Knives

Hiko Ito Custom Knives

Size: 6.5" overall 3" blade

Same size and handle design as HICK EDC but with a wider, leaf shaped blade with pronounced belly line. 

EDC Hunter

Hiko Ito Custom Knives

Hiko Ito Custom Knives

Size: 7" overall 3.25" blade

EDC Hunter is a hunting knife small enough to be carried comfortably on your person as an edc blade. Comfortable handle is just long enough to accommodate all fingers. Butt end of the handle is tapered to relieve excess pressure on the outside of the pinky, making it easier to change between different holding positions. Leaf shaped blade consists of drop point tip, efficient bevel angle and belly curvature ideal for processing game.

EDC Skinner/EDC Skinner Lite

Hiko Ito Custom Knives

Hiko Ito Custom Knives

Hiko Ito Custom Knives

Size: 7" overall 3.25" blade

Similar to EDC Hunter but with an upswept blade shape for efficient skinning. 
EDC Skinner is a small hunting knife that excels in quick processing of freshly harvested food. The handle accommodates all fingers. Upward angle of the leaf shaped blade aids in the removal of the hide. Made with powder metal stainless steel with excellent edge retention and high corrosion resistance. 

Chicken Hunter

Hiko Ito Custom Knives

Hiko Ito Custom Knives

Size: 6" overall 3" blade

Compact EDC knife and excellent back-up Hunting knife. It's pronounced belly allows this small blade to perform during field dressing. Despite it's name Chicken Hunter is capable of tackling a big job.

Sketto/Sketto Lite

Size: 7.75" overall 3.5" blade

Originally designed as a compact hunting knife, Sketto is also an excellent all-around utility/outdoor knife.


Hiko Ito Custom Knives

Hiko Ito Custom Knives

Size: 4" overall 2" blade

Smallest knife in the HICK lineup. Sidekick can be carried as a neck knife or stashed in your pack, purse or pocket as a backup blade. Comfortable two finger handle comes with a lanyard which can be held by the ring finger and pinky for stability. The lanyard is tied with beefy Snake Knot to give positive purchase when grasped. Curvature of the spine and the flat handle top accommodates the thumb which is placed directly over the cutting edge. Direct force transfer and the continuous belly curvature, as well as lanyard assisted two finger handle enable this small knife to handle heavier cutting tasks.

Double Arch EDC

Hiko Ito Custom Knives

Hiko Ito Custom Knives


Size: 7" overall 3.25" blade

Another dependable EDC. The ergonomic, three-and-half finger handle allows positive purchase on this small knife. Perfect EDC for the outdoor use where heavy cutting maybe required.


Hiko Ito Custom Knives
Hiko Ito Custom Knives
One-of-a-kind EDC that incorporates Japanese Tanto tip and traditional Japanese utility design, Kiridashi. Main bevel is a lean chisel-hollow grind which allows thick steel of this knife to have an extremely sharp cutting edge. Front part of the knife is finished in chisel-convex for strength and hard use. Spine of the steel is chamfered all the way to the front of the knife. This geometry strengthen the tip by stepping down the tip and distributing more steel around the point. Back end of the handle has a built in impact tool. The handle stores thirteen feet of paracord


Hiko Ito Custom Knives
Hiko Ito Custom Knives
Traditional Japanese utility knife with fine tip and chisel grind. Unlike typical kiridashis H.I.C.K.'s Kiridashi is made of corrosion resistant stainless and wrapped in paracord for increased comfort and traction. Comes with leather sheath with eyelets attachment points. This knife is a good option for compact fixed blade EDC.